monte by paul fletcher MONTE NORDSTROM is a singer/songwriter firmly based on Vancouver Island. His diverse catalogue of recordings is available by mail order from this website.

Beginning his musical career in 1970, Monte has maintained a sense of spontaneity with his music. From his first album “Ptarmigan”, to his most recent release, “After All” there has been an individuality to his style.

Making a hobby of musical tourism Monte has attended Progfest in Los Angeles, showcased his songs in Nashville, recorded at Sun Studio in Memphis & jammed with a hot blues band in East London. Monte has also performed at Musicwest in Vancouver; the International Storytelling Festival in Whitehorse & in solo concerts in Kitakyushu, Japan.

Over the years Monte has led hundreds of highly-creative jam sessions, written dozens of articles for music-industry publications and produced numerous recording projects. Monte continues to follow his Muse wherever it may lead.

For the past 15 years Monte has also been working as a Mental Heath support service provider. This 2nd career started with a year as a personal care aide in a group home & later continued as a service provider / Life Skills coach for ICBC Rehab, working with clients with brain injuries.

In 1998 Monte started working at Providence Farm, bringing his ICBC Rehab clients to the Greenways Horticultural Therapy program. Monte now is employed full time by Providence farm coordinating the Segues Day Program. Monday mornings the program gets started out with a rousingly therapeutic sing-along which is a great way to start the week.

As a go-to-guy for all things musical at the Farm, Monte is also the artistic director of Providence Bluesfest. Information about this annual event can be viewed at
Check out a movie of Monte at the Island Folk Fest in July 2008.

Monte's recent ProgArchives interview

     after all
After All...






1974 LP on CD



Articles By Monte

